Certificated Coach; Personal Trainer; Local Surfer;

Fábio is another ribeira boy in our team. Ribeira d’Ilhas played an important role in his development as a surfer. It was there that he learned to surf with his friends during his youth.
He graduated in cooking at the Portugal School of Tourism and worked for a few years in restaurants. During that time he managed to combine his work with his training as a surf coach. He started his coaching career at a surf camp in Ericeira under the vision and with the support of Chico and Afonso. Later he came to join them in the backYARD team and already with the special technical course of physical exercise. He can help you in to develop your surf and physical aptitude.

Most Likely to: spend all day in the water

Random Fact: from kitchen to fitness

“Stay positive, work hard, make it happen”

